Live, life, learn

Tuesday, August 02, 2005



Cool action movie. Watch it with my family in TGV KLCC.

"Stealth" - moving without anyone knows. Same goes to the movie. 3 fighter pilots work together with a brainy, superb and intelligent AI pilot. How human working on together with a human-created machine and following floating instructions from the command post and a flight leader. In this movie, it also shows the price of one's love.

I give 3 1/2 out of 5 Stars.

This story remind me when i was in the schooling ages, i use to dream of the Stealth bomber, if i can recall it was F-117A. The plane is great. Somemore its black. I even bought the tamiya model of the plane, and till today i havent assemble it. Not lazy to joint it, but too delight to have it, rather see it by the picture from the box.


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