Live, life, learn

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Amityville Horror

Damn it's psycho!

Its the first horror movie i saw a person ran out in panic from the cinema because too frighten. It was the 1st scene in the bathroom. That boy was sitting in front of me, when he passing through, I smell unhygienic odor, either that boy shit or pee in his pant. Pity him. To kid under 18, please alert on the rate of the movie, dont simply watch. :p

Anyway, the story is great. Worth watching.
I give 3 1/2 out of 5 stars


okay.. Send my regrad to Jodie.....

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Translation of Doa (BM - English)

Translation based on my own words. Please amend if there are any error of the translation meaning. If possible report back to me.

This is the 3rd level (Arabic –> Malay –> English) of translation from the Arabic language. There might be errors in the meaning compared to the original.

Let’s work for Allah, for the benefit of all mankind. Amin. - Rauf


1. “Wahai Tuhan kami, berikanlah kiranya kepada kami kebajikan di dunia dan di akhirat dan peliharalah kami dari seksa neraka”

Dear Lord, our God, we pray from you, Your prosperity in this world and the life in here after, and we seek refuge from the torment of the flame in the hellfire.

2. “Wahai Tuhan kami, Janganlah Engkau palingkan hati kami selepas kami menerima pimpinan daripada Engkau dan kurniakanlah rahmat dari sisi Engkau kerana sesungguhnya Engkaulah Maha Pemberi Rahmat”

Dear Lord, our God, please don't you ignore our heart after we have accept the guidance from you, and bestow us with Your blessing, indeed You are Most Bestower.

3. “Ya Allah, bukakanlah ke atas kami hikmatMu dan limpahilah ke atas kami khazanah rahmatMu, wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang. Wahai Tuhanku, tambahkanlah ilmuku dan luaskanlah kefahamanku. Wahai Tuhanku, lapangkanlah dadaku dan mudahkanlah urusanku” –

Dear Lord, our God, open, expose and free to us Your wisdom and bestow us with Your blessings. Dear Lord, The All Beneficent and Most Merciful. Our God, enhance our knowledge and widen our understanding. Dear Lord, comfort our heart and simplify the tasks You have given to us.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005



Cool action movie. Watch it with my family in TGV KLCC.

"Stealth" - moving without anyone knows. Same goes to the movie. 3 fighter pilots work together with a brainy, superb and intelligent AI pilot. How human working on together with a human-created machine and following floating instructions from the command post and a flight leader. In this movie, it also shows the price of one's love.

I give 3 1/2 out of 5 Stars.

This story remind me when i was in the schooling ages, i use to dream of the Stealth bomber, if i can recall it was F-117A. The plane is great. Somemore its black. I even bought the tamiya model of the plane, and till today i havent assemble it. Not lazy to joint it, but too delight to have it, rather see it by the picture from the box.